Obama - Pakistan Tourism

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Saturday, 24 May 2014



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Obama with veterans 'sacred trust' commitment to maintain

" For all who have served our country maintains our sacred trust to keep working to ensure that ," Obama said Americans respect their war dead , Memorial Day holiday weekend in was said in his speech .

" In recent weeks , we have all of how much our nation 's veterans the care they deserve is to make sure they 've seen , " he said .

answered .

Shinseki , Obama issues next week to review the scope of the preliminary results are expected to give . Obama has done to organize my eye Rob Nabors, one of his top aides , is assigned . Nabors' stock is due next month .

The agency 's inspector general , an independent watchdog , is investigating the allegations . The review is due in August .

Republican lawmakers are planning to investigate and respond to Obama criticized for being slow .

to act as , "Obama said .

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